Wow, today is this blog's one year anniversary. That is CRAZAAYYY! It seems like just yesterday I was dragging my laptop to
Lovely to force myself to finally make a blog, even if I had no idea what I wanted to do with it.
I tried to write a little somethin' somethin' along the lines of "here are all the things I did this year" but it just sounded so Dullsville, USA, population me. So what do I do? I turned it into another story in pictures, of course.
So here it is, a bit of the past year, as seen from EJS IS ME:

Here is essentially what the
Cheese Knives debacle looked like.

In which I realized that not everyone remembers
classic Bible stories in the same way.

If you haven't caught on yet, whales are the bane/joke upon my life. But
the original post about them was not all fun and games.

I really did
want to become a Roller Derby girl. For now, I'm going to settle on buying myself some roller skates next summer.

This is a bit of a random one, but
it pretty well represents my time as a true Freelancer.

What a disaster. For the entire story in pictures,
go here.

Here is a good representation of the place I sat
when I first started the internship that turned into a real job. That window was like God shining his love down upon me.

My most crass title to date, but
I still don't take it back.

I don't think I ever got around to explaining the 3rd disaster of our camping experience: besides the fact that it was
a ghetto piece of land in podunk Michigan and
the showers probably gave me smallpox, there was also a nearby group of Russians playing and yelling Hotel California--and nothing BUT Hotel California--for 24 straight hours, including those times most people reserve for sleeping. What was crazy was that when they first started, Joe and I couldn't figure out what song they were even trying to play or sing. And by the time we left, they were singing in perfect harmony and even playing the crazy bridge part.

Two days after I got a job,
I got a cat with a mustache.
She likes it with us.

And I really mean that. Thanks to everyone who's shown support for me or for this blog by reposting,
becoming a facebook fan, commenting, or even just telling me that they enjoyed what they read. It's the reason I kept going, blog-wise, and life-wise. Your support has honestly changed the way I've been doing things lately. For the better, obv.
Oh! And I didn't include SO SO many posts, like the
dogs in sweaters, a bunch of
Bible posts, the one
about Advertising that got a gazillion hits, anything involving
Muppets or
my embarrassing childhood, my
disdain for sports, my British
teeth issue (in which I got a few angry comments from British people who apparently only understand sarcasm if it's coming out of the mouth of Ricky Gervais)...the list goes on. Feel free to go back and read as much or little as you want!
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