Two years. Two Ron F*ing Swanson Years. Can you believe it? I can.......'t! And since it's tradition (ie, I did it last year) I am going to give you A Story In Pictures: Year Two.
A lot has gone on this year in my life. Considering where I started. About a month after I wrote the LAST blogaversary post, I found out our account was up for review and I might lose my job. So, just to give you some context, THAT has been in my life this entire blog year. Let's see where we've gone, yes?
First, on New Year's, Joe and I went to a small town, where disaster ensued, and we all had a good laugh.

Joe and I took a short vacation to LA, and I finally saw California. We were amazed at how different it feels when there's no winter.

Later, we put our stuff in storage so Joe could test out a contract-to-hire job in San Francisco. I moved to a studio on the north side of Chicago.

I started taking improv classes. I met some amazing people and had a blast, but my first time in a real scene...did NOT go well.

As predicted, I was laid off in late summer. I MAY have been there to open the bar that day.

Turns out, being unemployed while living next to the beach was pretty awesome for a little while.

But eventually things started going south after reality came back. I decided to move to San Francisco, and job hunting became overwhelming.

I got on a plane with Regina, who was not so happy to be caged and staged a coup. Twice.

Finally, I made it. When our stuff arrived, Joe and I ushered it in with the pomp and circumstance appropriate for such an occasion.

And that, my friends, has been the blog year! A lot of frustration and loneliness, and one really major change that I think will lead to bunch more minor (good) changes. Thanks, everyone, for following along as I tumble through this thing. Who knows what the next blog year will bring?!
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