Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Meryl On Ice

I shared this video with Hannah, but once again this is something that the world needs to experience. I don't think you understand JUST how much I love this clip.

A) Aunt Meryl. Because she literally can do anything.

B) Jason Sudeikis. I can't. This video has OFFICIALLY put him on the Famous Men I Would Marry list. In fact, he might replace Ed Helms. Who I love, but I think he's better suited for another person (COUGHMichelleCOUGH).

That's all. Just watch and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any idea what I would give to be one of the kids who yells, "I LOVE MERYL" at the end? I mean seriously, we're talkin' organs here.
