Friday, January 27, 2012

Broadway Nerding Out in 3...2...

Look. I love Hugh Jackman with the rest of them. He is the wholesomest wholesome this side of Wholesomeville. I tend to support his decisions without question, and I lament with the rest of them that 3 of his 4 IMDb "Known Fors" are Wolverine-related. Really? No Kate & Leopold? No Someone Like You? IMDb, I thought you were better than that.

But Hugh Jackman is slated to be Jean Valjean in the upcoming MUSICAL feature film of Les Miserables. (Liam Neeson, God bless you. I think you and I and Future Husband Colin Firth should drink early morning tea and silently read the newspaper together. But I assume you can't sing your way out of a paper bag. So you weren't about to reprise the role.)

I'm suspicious. I'm suspicious of Hugh.

Sure. The man can sing. We all know. We've all watched the Oklahoma! clips on YouTube. But THIS is what he is up against. THIS is what he has to aspire to. THIS is the likes of which he needs to be fitting in with:

And I have my doubts. Despite the abilities to remix, cut, and start over a billion times if need be, I have my doubts about Hugh's chops. Well, his falsetto chops anyway. Not his mutton chops, of course. Because you, me and IMDb knows how well he pulls those off.

What do you guys think? Do you believe in Hugh? What do you think about the rest of the cast?


  1. Helena Bonham Carter & Sacha Baron Cohen should be perfect as the Thenardiers!

  2. Hugh Jackman will be fine, but have you SEEN the rest of the cast? TAYLOR SWIFT? AMANDA SEYFREID???? *barf**barf**barf**barf**barf**barf*

  3. I have blind faith in Hugh. Even if the singing is sub-par, at least you can look at him. Plus there is no way he can look as weird as Pierce Brosnan singing falsetto in Mamma Mia.

  4. I'm sorry but you can't marry Colin Firth. He is spoken for. I mean seriously...who has the "I heart Mr. Darcy" sweatshirt!!!

  5. I don't have anything to say about Les Mis (I'm sorry, okay??), but HOW can you talk about Hugh Jackman and not mention Australia? Add it to your queue!

  6. Well, I considered it but didn't think anyone really saw that movie. Did they? I guess I'll have to watch it.

  7. It's so hiiiigh
    Waaay too hiiiigh
    Who can siiiing
    Notes so hiigh?

    Richard Gere?
