Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hump Day? More Like SCHLUMP Day.

No, I don't know what that means, either. I think I am trying to insinuate that I am a schlump. Because I make promises I can't keep and I tell you I am back to regularly blogging and then I sneak away and crouch under a table, rubbing my hands and laughing maniacally because I've FOOLED YOU AAAAAALLLL!

Turns out there are technical issues with me posting something real. The issues are boring, so I won't bother you with it. But feel satisfied that it has to do with zip drives and "digital training" meetings, and revel in the fact that you aren't dealing with either today. (unless you are, in which case l'chaim.)

But tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll post something real. It's punishment for making empty promises.

I promise.

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